Emma Crichton-Miller, « Art Market The market for Italian maiolica », Apollo, March 2023, vol. CXCVII, n° 717 :
« (…) Justin Raccanello and Camille Leprince, leading dealers in the field of Renaissance maiolica, will be showing an extensive display of istoriatowares with the emphasis on female patronage at TEFAF Maastricht in collaboration with Christophe de Quénetain. One recent discovery is a pair of elaborate trefoil bowls, attributed to the Urbino workshop of Francesco Patanazzi, which sold at Sotheby’s in October last year for €226,800. Raccanello has since established that one of them was commissioned in 1599 by the sister of the duke of Urbino, Isabella della Rovere. His prize piece at Maastricht is an early (c. 1525) dish painted by Nicola da Urbino, depicting the story of Europa and the bull, with the coat of arms of the Calini family. The asking price is €1.5m. (…) »